PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.
Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law


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PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.

Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law
How does the Illinois traffic violation points system work?

How does the Illinois traffic violation points system work?

On Behalf of | Dec 21, 2018 | Traffic Violations |

One of the How Does the Illinois Traffic Violation Points System work?biggest mistakes drivers make is underestimating the damage of minor traffic infractions. Due to the laws in Illinois, seemingly small violations can add up and lead to license suspension or revocation.

The office of the Secretary of State tracks driving convictions and assigns point totals based on the severity of the infraction. Accumulating too many points in a 12-month period could mean the end of your driving privileges.

Violations and point totals

There are a wide range of violations under the point system. On the low end, you could receive 5 points for driving below the minimum speed limit or driving the wrong way on a one-way street. On the high end, you could receive 55 points for speeding in a construction zone or school zone.

These examples highlight the complexity of the point system. Convictions of multiple smaller offenses or a single conviction of one severe offense could have the same outcome: license revocation or suspension.

The penalties are determined based on the severity of the accumulated points and your past driving record. This means you could be facing anything from being unable to drive for extended period to jail time.

Paying fines is an admission of guilt

It’s important to remember that paying a traffic ticket is an admission of guilt. This may not seem like a problem, but those convictions can add up in both points and fines. It is also important to fight violations to keep your driving record clean and avoid large fines.

Traffic tickets are common. Many people have found a ticket on their parked car or seen the flashing lights of a police car in their rear-view mirror. If you find yourself with a ticket, it can be tempting to simply accept a fine as inevitable and try to move forward as quickly as possible. Instead, think about the long-term ramifications before you admit guilt and pay your fine. 

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