PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.
Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law


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Saturday Morning Appointments Upon Request


Se Habla Español
Saturday Morning Appointments Upon Request

PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.

Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law
Month: October 2016

Month: October 2016

When an accidental DUI crash turns fatal

Say that you are out having a drink with friends. You are being responsible and you feel sober enough to drive home safely. You sit behind the driver's seat and turn on the radio as you begin to back your car out of its parking space. You are driving along, only five...

When DUI mugshots get leaked

Criminal law in the United States was founded upon the idea that someone who is accused of criminal wrongdoing is to be perceived as innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, that principle is not always honored in practice. One of the newer challenges plaguing...

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