PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.
Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law


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PLEASE NOTE: To Protect your safety in response to the threats of COVID-19, I am offering clients the ability to meet, via telephone, Zoom or FaceTime. Please call my office to discuss your options. Watch Video of Attorney Alan Jones addressing the Secretary of State and Lake County Court System Closures.

Alan E. Jones, Attorney at Law
Reinstatement of an Illinois Driver’s License

Reinstatement of an Illinois Driver’s License

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2016 | Revoked Driver's License Reinstatement |

Did you know that there is no right to drive? Driving in every state is a privilege, which means if the state can grant you the ability to drive, they can also suspend or revoke that ability.

Revocation or Suspension, What’s the Difference?

While either can happen in Illinois, there is a great difference in what happens – when your license is suspended in Illinois it is temporarily withdrawn for a specified time period or until you pay the amount owed or have established a payment agreement with the state.

Revocation is the complete withdrawal of your driver’s license with no set plan for reinstatement or a guarantee that the state will issue a license in the future. Revocation is used for serious offenses such as Driving Under the Influence.

Reasons for Suspension or Revocation of an Illinois Driver’s License

The Secretary of State for Illinois can suspend your license for offenses that include:

1. Traffic law violations and unpaid tickets

2. Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle;

3. Failure to stop for a school bus;

4. Failure to pay child support;

5. Allowing somebody to fraudulently use your driver’s license;

6. Failure to maintain Illinois car insurance;

7. Illegal transportation of alcohol;

8. Refusal to adhere to a chemical test; and

9. Accumulation of points on your driving record

These are the reasons why your license can be suspended in Illinois, however, more serious violations can result in driver license revocation for transgressions including:

Reasons for Driver’s License Revocation in Illinois

1. Leaving the scene of an accident;

2. Drag racing conviction;

3. Reckless driving;

4. Vehicle theft; and

5. Driving under the influence

How to Get Your Driving Privileges Reinstated in Illinois

The most difficult cases for obtaining driving relief (ending a suspension or revocation) are those related to driving under the influence. The state will not give you any driving privileges until you prove to the state that you are not a threat to public safety. Considering that the rules from the Secretary of State are complex and driving relief applications are denied at a high rate, it is a good idea to seek representation from an attorney experienced in DUI driving privilege reinstatement.

Take Aways

1. A suspension is when your driving privileges end with a certain reinstatement date.

2. Revocation means your license is no longer valid, and there is no guarantee that Illinois will ever give you another driver’s license.

3. Revocation of a driver’s license in Illinois is reserved for serious driving offenses.

4. People who have their driving privileges withdrawn can apply for driving relief.

5. If your license is revoked in Illinois, you should consult with an experienced driving privilege loss attorney.

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